March 6, 2009

21st Century Digital Boy

I like to think that I’m with the times. Certainly I was way back when I was fresh out of college and I bought a Pentium II, 233mHz computer—at the time, the second-fastest CPU on the market. I most definitely was when I was the first one on campus to watch The X-Files. And I’m pretty sure I was when I was the first on my block to get an Atari 2600. Yeah, I was—and am—a with-it kind of guy!

I was teaching myself how to program a webpage in HTML before Netscape released version 2.0. I was preaching cable modems back when most people thought that 28.8k dial-up was the shiznat. And I chatted with people all over the world when you could only do it with a text-based program called IRC.

So what happened over the last few years? Why is it that I don’t have a single RSS subscription? That I prefer to go against the grain and do NOT have any version of the iPod? That I don’t have a phone with a full keyboard? That I don’t have an HDTV? Or that I don’t have a blog?

I can just hear you all thinking: “Where on Earth have YOU been? You don’t blog?! You are SO living in the 90s!” Well, here I am, remedying that transgression. Welcome to my very first blog, as I take some baby steps into the 21st century. I figured it was a good idea to do this before the first decade was over.

Does this mean that now I will be getting an HDTV or an iPod? That’s probably not going to happen anytime soon: HDTVs are just too expensive for me at the moment, and I abhor the iPod. (I prefer to use other MP3 devices—like those that don’t need proprietary software just to use them.) As for getting RSS feeds, well, I suppose that isn’t too complicated for a guy like me (who still thinks he’s with it).

But I digress. The important thing here is the blog. You see, blogging will be more to me than just blowing steam, or spewing some of the many ridiculous or inane thoughts I have. My blogging is meant to serve the important purpose of getting me to write. For those of you who know me, I studied English Literature in college because I fancied myself a writer. Well here I am, more than a decade removed from graduating, and I still am not writing. My hopes are that by blogging I will get into the habit of writing again, and re-learn myself how to get the words flowing.

That last part is crucial, since I have finally put a lot of pieces together from a little idea I had over ten years ago. The end result (which looks to be a trilogy) will allow me to fulfill my dream of being a published author. I look forward to one day sharing with you the titles of these and other books and the stories they contain. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy some of the other junk that is cluttering my brain. And I promise to try not to sound outdated . . . much.

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